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Take five minutes and read this page to find out if you have safe drinking water or are you  just rolling the dice hoping that a cross connection occurrence will not occur!


Although preventive valve testing is important, the major causes of water cross contamination are unprotected connections. 

To help you understand how important surveying is to an effective program and to a safer potable water environment, we put together a small list of questions to ask yourself. This will help you to grade your water providers in how modern their Cross Connection Control Program is. Also how they are protecting their water customers from cross connection contamination.

Questions  you should ask yourself

  1.  How do you ensure that all required back-flow prevention devices through which water from your department supply passes through are in place and protecting  your community from potential water contamination?

  2. With today’s technology, internet and available communication equipment, we should be able to do a lot better, than some email service or paper surveys that someone one will review and send you a report days later.

  3. Why do we rely on this slow and out of date idea and method to protect one of our most precious resources, potable water?

  4.  How do we  sort through all the information and follow up with notifications? How do we track the progress to ensure your efforts from gathering all the information through surveying is not lost in your inability to provide a good maintenance program.

Is Your Water Provider Maximizing Today's Technology.

Is Water Department using modern day SMART/STEM to track and insure Testable are not only tested and by qualified process.


The annual tracking  of the devices that keep your water supply safe cross contamination requires more than a test report to be in compliance.


The second group of valve testing questions are

  1. How do we track the testing on devices that are in place?  

  2. Do we know who is testing, are they sending  us test results that bring our water costumers into compliance or are we getting failed tests along with the passed tests? 

  3. Do we have an aggressive maintenance log of these valves?  

  4. Is our system we are using relying on people shuffling information from point to point that gets mismanaged which endangers our community?


CCRA has the answer, developing and changing the methodology to twenty first century with a STEM/SMART technology Cross Connection Control Program. Which is the only program to fully meet the rigorous requirements of your state. Which reduces your exposure to potential liability and has the capabilities to empower your water department with software tools, that completely covers everything from educating your consumers, important surveying, data processing and response, valve tracking and certification.  Making sure that these updating improvements are taking place in your infrastructure water grid. 



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